wrinkle reduction, acne scars, tone/texture/tightening, scars


Fractional laser skin resurfacing is a procedure that takes years off your face by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and improving tone. We offer the most advanced technology, which utilizes fractional lasers to deliver light in an array of focused microbeams to target specific areas in the skin. Unlike other laser resurfacing treatments that attack all skin in the treated area, Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing only targets tiny spots while leaving the rest of skin undamaged. Because the damage is only fractional, the skin heals faster and you can resume your daily activities sooner. Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing also treats both the upper and lower levels of the skin; the light energy stimulates collagen remodeling deep inside your skin while also resurfacing the top layer for a smoother complexion.

Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing Treats:

  • lines and wrinkles
  • sun damage / remove sun spots
  • shrink your pores
  • brighten up ruddy or red skin